Posted June 10, 2019 at 01:00 am

Lately I've only been updating about twice a week or fewer, and I'm sorry about that.

As much as I'd like to make excuses like, "I haven't had time" or "I've been sick," it's much more that I have simply not been producing the quality of humor that is up to my standards, and I don't like posting a joke that is on par with open mic night at the senior citizens' club.

I love you very much, and I hope you still visit here often.

I also post the comic drawing sessions sped up on my YouTube channel, so subscribing there is actually a good way to keep up with the updates.

(I don't care at all about subscriber count. I promise if I ever get one of their metal play buttons in the mail, I'll give it to a homeless shelter to eat or whatever.)

Much love,

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