Posted June 9, 2015 at 04:45 pm
Hi there~

Most of you probably don't know or care (and that's perfectly okay!) that I used to stream a lot of video games.

When I started drawing bonus comics and Otaku Dad, I lost a lot of the free time I used to stream.

A happy alternative, of course, was streaming for just a couple-few hours whenever I felt like it.

Unfortunately, streaming has turned into a frustrating experience, and I have no idea why.

It's no one's fault but my own. My chat is almost entirely friendly and civil, but I get upset and tired easily when playing games. I frequently look at the clock to see how many hours I've been streaming and if I can stop playing yet.

The most egregious sin I commit is getting snippy with my chatters, and I'm just not that guy. I want to be friendly and nice all of the time, but for some reason, that ability becomes lost to me after only short time after going live.

I don't really know why it happens, but I don't want anyone to remember me as angry mean fellow playing the video games. I've tried hard to enjoy streaming again, and for some reason I can't make it work.

I want to thank everyone who made streaming possible. When I started, a donation drive helped me buy a capture unit so that I was able to properly stream Silent Hill 2 and some other console games. These were extremely fun experiences, and I'm blessed to have been able to share them with people.

Thank you for making it a greatly enjoyable time for me. Maybe someday I'll find joy in it again, but until then, I'm not going to force it.

I hope you have a wonderful day.

- Ronnie

P.S. This does not affect Patreon reward drawing streams, which I still find to be a fun way to draw while interacting with people.
Posted March 13, 2015 at 10:15 am


"What is it?"

It's the symbol from Resident Evil 4!


"Is this your first?"



Posted January 23, 2015 at 09:19 am
There's been a slight change in scheduling for the release of Patreon content!

The eBooks of Volumes 1, 2 and 3 will be distributed on Feb 1st.
The first Patreon-supported Whomp! will go live Feb 7th, along with the creation video with the Special Thanks at the end.
The second Patreon-supported Whomp! will go live Feb 14th.

I'm sorry that the comics were moved back a week. I had some realizations with regards to scheduling, and this was the most effective way to handle it~

Important information for $10 and higher patrons: Live drawing sessions will still be Tuesday, Noon EST and Saturday 6PM EST every week of February for the $10 tier supporters. (Google it to get your local time!) Before the session goes live, $10+ patrons will receive a message in Patreon with a unique session link. Expect the streams to last 2-4 hours.

For $40 and higher patrons, I will be sending you a message on Patreon asking you for source material so that I can draw your caricature!

Long story short, if you're a patron, be sure to check your Patreon messages in February for your rewards and stuff!

If you're not a patron, it's not too late to get in on the hot February content!
Posted January 4, 2015 at 11:36 am
The Patreon has reached $600 monthly!

Things that happen on Feb 1st:

  • Release an extra comic that will appear on the Patreon page. I will link it from this blog post and my twitter. (Along with the PSD files you can download and do whatever you want with!)

  • Release a video of the process of making the first comic while walking you through the process. (Also, special thanks to everyone on the $5 tier and above on the video!)

  • All $5 patrons will get the eBooks of all three currently existing Whomp! volumes. Suitable for reading comics on mobile without website bloat~

  • Contact patrons for their photos or other source material for the caricatures!

Things that happen later:

  • Release an extra comic on Feb 7th in the same place with the same bonuses as the first one!

  • Start giving people who were $40 patrons their caricatures!

  • Hold two drawing streams a week where patrons of the $10 tier can join and chat! (I will set up a schedule some time this month)

I don't even have to mention the $100 tier because we are already in touch, and that is a cool person!

What I would like to do:
I want to think of more ideas that will make the $40 tier more exciting for repeat patrons. Not everyone wants a drawing every month, so I'd like to think of something else I can do. Many people suggest putting patrons in the background of comics, but I feel like modifying the comic at all because of a differing source of income can indirectly change the work itself, and I want it to remain as pure as possible for everyone.

I'm also hesitant to add any more "I will draw things" rewards, mainly because I draw very slowly, and if we reach the higher tiers, I will already be drawing during most waking hours.

If you have any ideas, feel free to send them at my twitter @RonnieFilyaw, but PLEASE don't feel bad if I reject them. I am super duper picky and annoying, but I absolutely love you for your effort, no matter what! So if there's anything in particular you've ever wanted, maybe let me know!
Posted January 1, 2015 at 12:31 pm
A link to my Patreon

I know what a lot of you think. Patreon is a place where comic creators go to squeeze money out of fans. This is mostly true BUT

The real fact of the matter is that the more something like Patreon can help a creator, the more time and motivation the artist has to create. It's difficult when an artist has to do odd-jobs or even work their full time job while still coming home to pour their heart and soul into three to five comics a week.

There is so much I could do with support from Patreon. So much I want to do for you.

Question: "If you do a second comic like I see in your goals, what happens to Whomp!?"
Answer: Whomp! will be still getting its thrice-weekly update AND the two extra Whomp! comics. This is MORE WHOMP and ALSO ANOTHER THING YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO LOOK AT. Also, it means I will be able to actually live within my means while putting my soul into my work. The greatest inspiration is the support to keep working.

I'll also be recording drawing sessions and drawing live for backers. There is absolutely nothing but good things happening here!

I don't like to ask for support, but this would help me more than you could possibly imagine. Let's do this together.

I love you. *smooch*
Posted September 26, 2014 at 09:51 pm
Hey guys! I meant to put this on the blog earlier that I have started streaming video games on! I use a fairly decent microphone and talk at you while I'm bad at the video games.

So far I've mostly only done Zelda II, but I plan on doing lots more. Tomorrow I'm going to do a super long stream starting at 2PM EST. I will start with Zelda, then go in with some other games to mix it up. I also plan on giving away a Steam game at the end of each scheduled stream, but it's not gonna be anything huge (Maybe $5-$10)

The plan is more or less to do this 3x a week. Big shows on Saturday, smaller shows on Monday and Wednesday, and shows randomly when I feel like it.

If you follow me on twitch, you will get an e-mail when I've gone live (If you have default notification settings).

I also announce it on Twitter! (@RonnieFilyaw)

I hope to see you there!
Posted September 5, 2014 at 07:37 am
Out there on the internetting, there is a comic called Woody After Hours. For the past couple of weeks, our beloved ball of Hawaiian shirt and sadness has been making appearances in the comic!

I drew Ronnie in each comic and helped write his particular brand of weirdness.

So go check it out! Today is the last day of Ronnie's arc, but feel free to read their comic start to finish, and add it to your regularly followed comics~

Here's the first Ronnie strip:
Posted June 26, 2014 at 01:08 pm
Hey guys!

So, I'm going to be at Asheville Anime Regional Convention on July 26th (the only day it's happening.) I hope no one felt cheated by coming to see me at Heroes when it would have been more convenient to see me in Asheville! I didn't even know I'd be attending until I did some more research when coming down off of the exciting high of doing Heroes.

At a glance, it seems like I'm suddenly doing the convention circuit, but since I announced Heroes, I get asked a certain question a lot.

"When are you coming to the convention in _________?"

I'm sorry, but probably no time soon! I rely entirely on my little car that could and keeping my costs to the bare minimum. If I did every convention I wanted to do, I'd be broke!

Feel free to recommend any convention that's within an hour or two of Greenville, SC, but even then I might not be able to do multi-day conventions. Travel and hotels really add up! I'm also not going to be doing Dragoncon this year, but I will strongly consider it for next year.

I've also decided to focus more on anime and webcomic-specific conventions. They tend to be cheaper for both you and me, and have more fan overlap than with superhero/comic book conventions.

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